03. Probability Quiz

Probability Quiz

In this quiz, you will simulate coin flips and die rolls to compute proportions for the following outcomes.

  1. Two fair coin flips produce exactly two heads
  2. Three fair coin flips produce exactly one head
  3. Three biased coin flips with P(H) = 0.6 produce exactly one head
  4. A die rolls an even number
  5. Two dice roll a double

Then, you'll compare these proportions with probabilities in the quizzes below.

When simulating coin flips, use 0 to represent heads and 1 to represent tails. When simulating die rolls, use the correct integers to match the numbers on the sides of a standard 6 sided die.

Also, notice that you can look at the solutions if you get stuck by clicking the orange button in the top left or check the solution link at the bottom of the page.


If you need a code on the https://github.com/udacity.


Use the proportions you observed in your simulation data in order to guess the probabilities of the following outcomes.




Two fair coin flips produce exactly two heads

Three fair coin flips produce exactly one head

Three biased coin flips with P(H) = 0.6 produce exactly one head

A dice rolls an even number

Two dice roll a double




Three biased coin flips with P(H) = 0.6 produce exactly one head

Two fair coin flips produce exactly two heads

A dice rolls an even number

Two dice roll a double

Three fair coin flips produce exactly one head

Compute the probabilities of each of the five outcomes above mathematically. Do these match the proportions you found in your simulated data?